Sunday, December 29, 2019

Affording to Take an Unpaid Internship

Affording to Take an Unpaid InternshipAffording to Take an Unpaid InternshipYouve just found the perfect internship that you know will provide just the right experience that you need to get a job in your chosen field after graduation. You have a place to stay and the internship offers a chance to get hands-on experience working with some very knowledgeable and well-respected professionals in the field. It all sounds perfect except for one thing, the internship listing you found says that the internship is unpaid. Since you know there is no way that you could even consider applying for an internship that is unpaid since it is essential that you make money over the summer to help defray some of the costs of college while making a little spending money to use over the summer and once you return to college. The frustration of finding the perfect internship is a dilemma that many college students face. To make matters worse, the dilemma of the unpaid internship as well as those organizati ons that say the internship must be done for credit are unforebinnenseen obstacles that many students werent aware of prior to looking for an internship. Students who do an internship for credit over the summer often have to pay college tuition in order to receive college credit. Consequently, taking an unpaid internship, especially if its an internship for credit, can become quite costly for students. Its important for you to research your options to see if taking an unpaid internship is the best course of action. Doing an internship for credit over the summer can be costly as well so you might want to see if the organization will waive the requirement or if your college offers 1 or 2 credit for an internship which can provide substantial savings. Internships during fall or spring semester usually are rolled in with the semester and dont require any additional costs. If a lack of financial resources is holding you back from applying for what you see as the perfect internship, take a look at some of the strategies listed below to see if you are able to come up with a solution. The key is elend to give up prior to exploring all options. Paid Vs. Unpaid Internships The majority of paid internships are usually found in the business world. Students interested in finance (investment and commercial banking, venture capital, accounting), information technology, marketing and sales, and entertainment will often get the best paid internships. Keep in mind that many sales positions consist mainly of cold calling of which salary is based on percentage of results, a multi-level marketing or sales internship may not hold the financial rewards that are listed in the internship description. Recently more organizations are offering at least a modest stipend in order to get the most talented students to apply. Unpaid internships can be valuable for those students who can afford to do them. Gaining the relevant skills required for getting hired in the field along with maki ng connections with professionals in the field can be invaluable. It is important to base your decision on not doing an unpaid internship more on financial need than on the principle that you refuse to work for nothing. Does your College have a funded internship program? Many colleges and universities have started programs in order to help students who want to pursue an unpaid internship. Several years ago the small liberal arts college where I work began to offer a number of funded internships. Each student receives $2500 to help defray costs and expenses over the summer. The goal of these internships was to provide access to all students to be able to get experience in their field of interest especially if they didnt have the financial resources to complete an unpaid internship. The Program has grown exponentially over the past three years and we are looking to expand it even further in the future. It has become a major endeavor of the College since providing a quality educat ion for all students with equal access to resources is an important part of the Colleges Mission. Check with the Career Services Office at your College to see if they have a similar program and, if not, you may recommend that they looking into ways that they could fund several internships just to get started. Many internships are funded by alumni, parents, and friends of the College. Research Individual Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships on the Web There are many organizations and foundations who provide grants for students seeking to gain relevant work experience by completing an internship in their field of study while they are in college.Scholarshipsare awarded to many individualsbytypebased on personal experience and professional pursuits. Often scholarships are awarded for some unique attribute or interest of the student and there are thousands of unique opportunities that exist. For example,Green Scholarshipsare awarded to students interested in protecting the environme nt, who want to gain experience in the field, or who actually plan on working on an environmental project during college or immediately upon graduation. Whatever you or your familys situation or uniqueness, there may be available grant money offered through the federal or state government, organizations, and/or foundations. Is There a Chance That a Family Member or Friend Would Contribute Money in Order for You to Do an Unpaid Internship? You may be able to receive a donation or a loan from family or close friends if they believe that the internship you are planning to do will help you to get started in your career without incurring any additional debt. They may see it as providing a resource that could provide a big pay-off in the end. Especially when we are in the throes of a challenging job market, the value of doing an internship can be the deciding factor between getting hired or not immediately after graduation. Competition is fierce for new graduates in a down job market and not having therelevant experiencethat employers are looking for can be a definite detriment to getting hired anytime soon. Financial Aid Options You may apply for additional financial aid if you have reason to believe that you will need to do an unpaid internship in order to gain the experience you will need to get hired. This is not the ideal situation and should be explored if you feel there are no other options. Of course discussing your finances with a professional should be considered when taking on any additional debt. Apply for a Part-time Job Many students will combine a part-time job with an unpaid internship. Since many internships can be done part-time, coupling that with a part-time job may not be such a bad idea. Combining a job with an internship may give you the best of both worlds relevant experience in your chosen field along with some money to help pay for some of your college costs and other incidentals. Being Proactive and Checking Out Options Is Well Worth the Effort Gaining relevant experience and developingprofessional connectionswith professionals in your field are two of the most important aspects of completing an internship. Once you complete your internship, the experience you gained can be used to help you build a strong and effective resume. Checking out some or all of the various options that may permit you to do the perfect unpaid internship is well worth the effort. Remember we are talking about a very short time-frame that can make a huge difference in your career. By taking a proactive stance you will be capitalizing on your education while seeking ways that you can compliment it by creating a bridge between the academic and real world by doing an internship.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Tips for Compassionate Employee Layoffs

Tips for Compassionate Employee LayoffsTips for Compassionate Employee LayoffsLaying off your employees is sometimes an unavoidable cost of doing business. There are some ways to take the sting out of the message, though. Follow these tips to help smooth the transition and prevent ill-will. Be Professional With a Personal Touch Never tell your employees that they are being let go for any reason in an open or staff meeting, email, or in a memo. Treat your employees with dignity and respect a supervisor or someone from upper management or human resources should sit down personally with each employee individually and explain to them why they are being let go. Being laid off hurts being treated like cattle hurts even mora, and it will hurt the reputation of your company. Offer Parting Contacts, Information, and Resources When you let employees go, do not let them go empty-handed. Give them printouts for resources for employment counseling, unemployment, job training, and local sm all business development organizations. If you offer health insurance benefits, 401K Plans, etc. be sure to provide information about COBRA and any requirements or restrictions on transferring retirement accounts or other savings. Because losing a job can cause emotional turmoil, you might also consider including contact information for a suicide or depression hotline. Providing information and contacts for other employment prospects shows that you care what happens to someone after they leave your employment. Dont Terminate Employees on Fridays or Mondays Think about the person you are letting go and your industry will it be hard for them to find new work? That is likely the first thing terminated employees think about after being let go. If you let people go without any prior notice on a Friday or the day before a holiday the former employee cannot even make calls to begin networking for a new job. Employees who have been let go on a Friday tend to stew over their situation ( especially if they are used to working in a corporate Monday-Friday work environment). When laid-off workers cannot begin making calls about other jobs they are more likely to become depressed, commit suicide, or angry enough to act out in vengeance against an employer when laid off later in the week or just before a holiday. Statistics show that people adjust better to changes in employment when told as early as possible in the work week when depression and suicide are considered. Suicide statistics rate Wednesday (24%) as the day someone is most likely to take their life with Saturday and Monday tied for second place (and more people end the lives in springtime more than any other season). Perhaps this is why Best Buy lays off most workers on Tuesdays so frequently, in fact, that employees now refer to all Tuesdays as Termination Tuesdays. When to lay someone off is a decision that needs to be made on a case-by-case basis. However, the consensus among human resource experts is to avoid Friday layoffs and to terminate people mid-week to allow them a couple of days to regroup before the weekend hits. Always Give Your Employees Notice or Severance Pay Never let someone go without at least two weeks notice (one month is even better) or without giving them severance pay. As an employer, you have some responsibility to consider the financial hardship that might be created for any employee you let go (except those who are fired for company violations or poor job performance). It is difficult enough for someone who loses their job, but when they lose income without warning and cannot find other work, they may lose health care benefits, a car, or even their home. If your company can afford to offer severance pay, do so. If you cannot afford to offer a severance package, always try to give advance notice to employees that their job is being eliminated. The rule of thumb is that it takes an average of one month for every $10,000 a worker earns to find a new job. In a difficult economy, it could take 2-3 times longer. Most companies will also pay out any unused sick or vacation time in addition to severance pay. Be Prepared to Listen and to React You cannot predict how someone will take the news that they are being let go. Some employees are stoic, while others may cry, become angry, or even make threats. When you sit down with someone to let them know that they are losing their job, make sure someone else in management knows you are meeting with that person. If you have any hesitations about letting someone go, have another management employee sit in the room with you for support (for you, and the employee). Give the employee an exit interview either face-to-face or on through an Internet resource. Exit interviews are usually questionnaires that may be used to gain information about how a company can improve its work environment and retain more employees, but exit interviews also give unhappy employees a chance to vent, and in some cases, even find closure after a job loss. Employees who have devoted their work life to help you meet your business objective should be treated with compassion and a show of appreciate if you need to let them go.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Nurse Consultant Job Description

Nurse Consultant Job DescriptionNurse Consultant Job DescriptionNurse Consultant Job DescriptionThis nurse consultant sample job description can assist in your creating a job application that will attract job candidates who are qualified for the job. Feel free to revise this job description to meet your specific job duties and job requirements.Nurse Consultant Job ResponsibilitiesProvides healthcare consultations and technical advice by investigating malpractice claims identifying meritorious cases avoiding non-rewarding litigation locating reliable, authoritative experts preparing conclusive cases.Nurse Consultant Job DutiesSupports healthcare providers, organizations, and patients by completing investigations for attorneys, physicians, insurance and accreditation organizations, health professionals, private investigators, injured and third parties providing risk-prevention methodologies.Develops medical malpractice claims information by investigating hospital, nursing home, physici an and nursing negligence claims providing unbiased opinions determining merits of legal or accreditation actions.Provides medical records information by completing initial review and liability assessment identifying health care providers preparing releases and letters to obtain complete medical records, x-rays, and billings organizing, chronologically summarizing, analyzing, and indexing medical records and billings preparing a timeline of events transcribing handwritten chart/record notes preparing tables, charts, and graphs of data recommending and preparing documents for review by the expert advisory panel.Identifies potential medical personnel/witnesses by deciphering names from medical documents locating important witnesses interviewing witnesses suggesting list of deponents scheduling and summarizing depositions reviewing and assisting attorney in preparation of preliminary and final witness lists.Identifies medical experts by recommending areas of expertise to be consulted o btaining and providing a list of potential experts locating specifically named experts (defense and/or plaintiff) researching backgrounds of experts obtaining curriculum vitaes interacting with experts preparing documents for review by experts maintaining reference notebook on experts.Completes medical research by utilizing personal knowledge, experience, reference library, and internet defining and interpreting medical language defining and interpreting medical procedures defining and interpreting medical-hospital/office policies.Supports case presentation by drafting interrogatories and admissions preparing slides, spreadsheets, charts, and graphs based on investigative findings.Maintains legal and accreditation compliance by adhering to policy positions concerning federal, state, and local regulations, and Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) standards anticipating emerging issues.Improves quality results by studying, evaluating, and re-designing processes implementing changes.Updates job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities reading professional publications maintaining personal networks participating in professional organizations.Enhances department and organization reputation by accepting ownership for accomplishing new and different requests exploring opportunities to add value to job accomplishments.Nurse Consultant Skills and QualificationsNursing Skills, Health Promotion and Maintenance, Hospital Environment, Procedural Skills, Informing Others, Verbal Communication, Documentation Skills, Functional and Technical Skills, Perspective, Use of Medical Technologies, Medical TeamworkEmployers Post a job in minutes to reach candidates everywhere. Job Seekers Search Nurse Consultant Jobs and apply on now. Learn more about recruitingVideo Todays Recruiting LandscapeHow to Hire Lifelong LearnersOptimize the Job Title in your Job Description

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Why Finance Leaders Should Master and Promote Collaboration

Why Finance Leaders Should Master and Promote CollaborationWhy Finance Leaders Should Master and Promote CollaborationEffective workforce collaboration is a priority for any geschftliches miteinander that wants to build more cohesive and productive teams and drive innovation. But two areas where collaboration really matters, but at times languishes, are at the senior management level and in the finance function.Obviously, CFOs and other finance executives have an opportunity to improve collaboration in both areas. Mastering collaboration with your peers in the business, as well as encouraging your team to share ideas and skills and work in a more unified way with each other, is good for your organization as well as your career. Heres whyFinance leaders help drive business and digital strategy successIn the not so distant past, CFOs and their teams werent typically asked to provide input on helping the business set goals and shape strategy - at least, not directly. Thats changing fas t, as companies embark on transformative programs like digitalization and automation that require a lot of cross-departmental collaboration, cooperation and coordination.Successful financial executives maintain a big-picture outlook and excellent relationship-building skills, says Tim Hird, executive director of Management Resources. In particular, CFOs are playing a larger role in business transformation and technology investments and driving change management.As an example, collaboration between the CFO and chief information officer (CIO), especially in the early phases of IT project planning, can lead to better alignment between finance and IT agendas and understanding of risks. Technology initiatives, from cloud migrations to business systems upgrades, can impact every business unit within companies today. CIO and CFO collaboration can pave the way for smoother integration of new systems and processes and help ensure the business realizes value from those investments and achieve s transformation goals.CFO and CIO collaboration appears to be blossoming in many firms, too In a recent survey by our company, 41 percent of CFOs said they collaborate very well with the CIO. However, nearly half (46 percent) of CFOs say they collaborate even better with another C-suite colleague the CEO.Finance executives collaborate well with chief executivesThe fact that CFOs and CEOs are working together well in most organizations is positive, of course. As Hird explains, A dysfunctional relationship with the CEO, in particular, nearly dooms a company from the start.It can also undermine a CFOs chance to take the reins of leadership at the firm when the opportunity arises. In more businesses today, finance executives are tapped to become the CEO. Its a job many aspire to mora than 60 percent of CFOs in a Management Resources survey said they are motivated to reach this level at some point in their career.Getting there will depend, in part, on their relationship with other senio r executives - and not just the CEO. A CEO needs to be well-versed in all aspects of an organization, including production, sales and marketing, IT, research and development, and human resources. By collaborating with other executives, motivated CFOs can better broaden their business acumen and develop a big-picture mentality. And it wouldnt hurt to have the support of your peers as you aspire to the top.The CFOs relationship with the chairman of the board can also be a factor in whether he or she ascends to the CEO chair. However, according to Robert Halfs research, only 29 percent of financial executives report that they collaborate very well with the board chair.Its not altogether uncommon for CFOs to struggle to collaborate with board chairs. Says Melissa Shipman, vice president, Managed Business Services, for Management Resources, The board is more removed from business operations but still has high expectations for the C-suite to execute. The CFO is often on point to explain the organizations results, which may not meet the boards expectations.Tips for improvementEstablishing and maintaining an ongoing and meaningful dialogue with the board, particularly with the board chair, certainly cant hurt and should be a priority for CFOs. But finance leaders also must prioritize building bonds with other executives.Shipman says, CFOs will find their C-suite peers are tuned-in with the day-to-day realities of the business and can collaborate effectively with them.To enhance collaboration with those peers, CFOs shouldAsk for input. Bring C-suite peers early into key initiatives that are on your plate and ask for their ideas, advice and expertise.Be a resource. Let colleagues know youre available to provide a financial perspective on key initiatives and discuss your departments projects and how they affect others.Prioritize information-sharing. Meet with nonfinance executives regularly to give updates on your priorities and challenges. Your peers may have ideas you can implement.Also, be proactive about networking internally. Make the point to bestattungs lunch or coffee with your peers to build rapport and gain a better sense of how you can work together effectively. Use these meetings to share best practices for building cohesiveness in your respective teams, and for identifying opportunities to cross-collaborate.See our infographic to find out which other executives CFOs say they collaborate with most effectively - and which pairings could use more development.

Monday, December 9, 2019

What to Put on Resume If No Experience Tips

What to Put on Resume If No Experience Tips Doing this will demonstrate the reader that you will receive as much from the job as you place into it, which makes you a superb prospect for employment. This mindset is critical if youre attempting to initiate a new career. While the functional resume format may be an attractive solution for job seekers with very little experience, most employers would rather have a chronological or hybrid resume format. You need your resume to clearly demonstrate that you are responsible for your own career and you take the reins. A room full of quiet applicants all vying for the identical job isnt unlike a stack of resumes an employer faces when theres an open position. But playing resume games for 5 hours every day may not be something you want how include unless youre applying to be a work game tester, that is. Here are a few tips to help you distinguish yourself from the crowd and make the the majority of your career fair experience. Even in t he event that youve never held an official job, its still true that you have life experience thats applicable to the work search. If you have to create the job of writing a work application even easier, theres a manner. To tailor your resume, return to the work description and search for keywords associated with your responsibilities. To have a good idea of the skills needed for work, simply browse job descriptions for that particular job title. However tempting it may be to stretch the truth, lying on your resume is always a poor idea. You must consider what you value and tell that While talking about your achievements you will need to talk to the ones that you value the most and the way that your skills can increase the function of the organization and its targets. Id like to be self sufficient. Give the most confident answer The very best approach to do thats to carry on practicing your answers before a loved ones or friends. For instance, it shows responsibility that you babysit twice per week. Build an ideal resume and locate the work which you want. Applying for work with very little work history is never simple, but it does not need to truly feel impossible. Have you ever seen a project which you want. Theres never-ending demand for new and talented actors, therefore its only a question of creating certain the ideal folks become aware of you. Rather than being embarrassed by your empty resume, remember that everybody starts somewhere. If you truly believe youve got something to offer you the sphere of skilled acting, its your responsibility to let that world know. In todays competitive world, despite the fact that it seems challenging to get the fantasy job, just by knowing some approaches and taking extra efforts, you can produce your dreams come true. List anything youre passionate about, so long as it will seem good to an employer. Mention something about the business that you relate with. Office manager jobs are extremely different . Next ensure use of good resume keywords. Make certain that all your own private info is in reality on your curriculum vitae and is current. You make the most effective vodka-based beverages. The Basic Principles of What to Put on Resume If No Experience You Will be Able to Learn From Starting Right Away A high number of cover letter templates which you will print and download at no price. Especially for a first resume, employing a template is a superb idea. Therere prepared for save, if you need and desire to take that, simply click save logo in the webpage, and it will be directly saved to your desktop computer. An ultimate selection of entirely no cost microsoft word templates are listed here to be in a position to support our visitors in their regular tasks. Your resume summary statement or resume objective statement will probably have the absolute most eye time because its at guide top of the webpage. Whilst you write your summary for your resume, attempt to consider what you want them to discuss with you, and what exactly you desire an opportunity to discuss. There are a couple diverse things it is possible to include, and a couple of formatting tricks, which will help you present yourself in the very best light possible. But Im unsure if that is really the circumstance.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Professional Resume Writing Services Medical Technician - the Conspiracy

Professional Resume Writing Services Medical Technician - the Conspiracy The Fight Against Professional Resume Writing Services Medical Technician The more you look around, the greater your probability of locating a trusted company that provides the high-quality services and product that you deserve. On top of that, our cost of resume writing services is among the lowest on the industry. Many services offer you affordable rates and discounts, and that means you get great value for the money there. As a consequence, you may choose among the best services at a price thats realistic to you and get invited to all the interviews you wished to enter. A History of Professional Resume Writing Services Medical Technician Refuted Your own personal writer can help you create a modern resume, dependent on your career story and meeting all of the high standards of your industry. Our work is directed on providing result-oriented resumes which not only attract hiring managers attention, but in addition make you receive the desirable position. Its team includes recruitment specialists, a number of whom have postgraduate degrees and over 20 decades of experience in employment services. Whether you are a newcomer to writing resumes and cover letters or your written resume doesnt appear to secure you invited on a lot of interviews, were right here to assist you. The reach of services is among the biggest we have observed, offering discounts in the shape of packages and assorted career level choices. For that resume is where you must begin from. Our services wont only demonstrate your value as an employee to prospective organizations, theyll also convince you of your very own expert worth. If it comes to resumes, different types ought to be available. Professional Resume Writing Services Medical Technician Features As an issue of fact, some respected businesses offer quite a sensible rate for resume help, and several of them have a number of packages you can pick f rom to save a little money in the approach. Professional resume writers comprehend the significance of their work, so they are always accountable for the very best result. The website does not have any limitations with respect to your professional experience and specialization. In fact, the majority of career professionals have produced just a couple in their lifetimes. Whether youre unemployed and searching for work, or youve had it with your present job and wish to earn a change, acquiring a persuasive and professional looking resume is vitally important. Basically, writing skills really make a difference in the way you run into. Resume writing is the most crucial step in presenting your abilities and receiving the job that you desire. Professional Resume Writing Services Medical Technician Can Be Fun for Everyone As an expert review company, our goal is to research thoroughly and supply you with the very best possible top resume writing services reviews. Bottom Line If y ou enjoy securing a discount, Resume Writing Service is among the best resume writing services to think about. Bottom Line If you are searching for top rated resume writing services, Careers Booster is surely an institution to look at. One other great thing which makes Resume Writing Service one of the very best rated resume writing services is they frequently offer discounts.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Choosing Java Projects for Resume

Choosing Java Projects for Resume Java Projects for Resume - the Conspiracy High school isnt free in Kenya. Therefore, its smart to employ several sample resumes. Ensure you create the information that youre on the watch for. Take a look at sample resume. A Project is a collaborative effort to make a particular artifact, which might be a body of code, or documentation, or another material. Moreover, youre able to begin searching for custodian projects on Monster. If youve done only training project or thesis project then its possible to mention those projects together with your University projects in the exact format. Java Projects for Resume Help In case it sees a CV, they will likely have to search to get to the information that they need, since its perhaps not geared to certain employers or tasks. Our database isnt a really database. Perhaps you can develop the upcoming great web support. Its almost not possible to overstate the importance of the Apache Software Found ation as it relates to contemporary site development. Definitions of Java Projects for Resume These tools help you in building your career path. All materials are easily available at home centers. It is the type of project that may be utilized in any market, company, you name it. If one project is too hard to tackle at your current degree of skill, select a simpler one. Nobody cares what you would like. A cover letter is something like a brief introduction about you personally in an official approach to the particular person who will probably employ one. A properly written cover letter might be the difference between obtaining the ability to grab a chance or permit it to slide right past you. It might be helpful to publish a duplicate of your cover letter and edit it using a pencil at your hands. Nobody will check the length of time it actually took you to address each issue, but it offers you a simple idea how long you should spend on it. Get the Scoop on Java Projects f or Resume Before Youre Too Late The voting way of approval is Three-Vote Consensus and only current Reviewers are entitled to vote. The program has quite superior editing features and is user-friendly. Every outstanding student can find with a special application like a web-based editor. Since you can guess, its an assortment of problems, made to assist you practice your skills in logic programming. Always offer a detail of roles and obligations you have taken during any undertaking. When it can appear tedious, you always have to customize each correspondence to fit the specific job for which youre employing. To develop work satisfaction and mora. Above information can help you to understand duties of operational director. Characteristics of Java Projects for Resume You may use the sites samples and templates to produce your care and janitorial resume. Should you need some java developer resume examples youre on the proper website. Its imperative not to put a number of statements on a single line as you are unable to step over or set line breakpoints on more than 1 statement on the identical line. Maybe you love a site but think the cell experience wants an overhaul. The voting way of approval is Lazy Consensus and just current Committers are entitled to vote. The earnings are some of the the crucial tasks in practically any business. Making sure its specific for the current market and position is imperative. Wo if youre borrowing less than 80 percent and provide a large down payment the ratios to qualify may not be overly much of a problem. The Eclipse debugger delivers an intriguing choice for debugging remote applications. REST APIs are employed in virtually every form of industry for many distinct applications. Even though the Java language is the most commonly employed for Eclipse, its an extensible platform that may support many others. OpenVPN Technologies Inc also offer a client thats available here. Generally, it is a good conc ept to test debugging options utilizing the Eclipse samples first. Some you are going to want to fork, some might aid you with your own code and some were made to assist you learn a bit more about programming. Also, dont forget that, as a programmer, you should be quick and productive. Youre going to compose a killer programmer resume.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Mindful steps to connect with employees, loved ones, and clients

Mindful steps to connect with employees, loved ones, and clientsMindful steps to connect with employees, loved ones, and clientsYouve read the Gallup data 70% of the workforce is notlage engaged or actively disengaged in their work. So how do we connect with employees and customers so they feel we care about their careers, their business, and their future?1. Care about what they care aboutYur employees and customers and loved ones have the same issues that you have every day. But we discount them because we think they are not relevant to the work environment or we dont know how to make things better so we disengage.Questions that can be answered with one word are not conversation starters. How was your weekend? is not as personal as What has been the favorite part about preparing for the reunion? followed on Monday by, So what was the funniest thing that happened?2. Be with them in their lowest momentsThis requires incredible self-management. When we notice a colleague has self-doub t or is in pain we have to first identify whether that triggers our own discomfort. Often it does and then we flee the situation because it brings back bad memories. We sometimes masque our discomfort with indifference or minimize their pain by one-upping them with our own similar situation. Can you be an observer of that urge building inside you enough to step into their situation to comfort them without assuming their anguish? Can you lay down your guard and just listen without dictating what they should do often when you couldnt do that yourself?You need not provide a remedy for their personal situation. They just need to know you hear them and can come alongside. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you, seems trite compared to I sense that you are going through a difficult time. I am interested if you want to tell me about it. Regarding customers If you use our service youll get more clients, does not establish the trust that this does, As I listen to you I hear the f rustration you experience losing clients when you are working so hard to find them. If I could show you how to keep them and not spend anything more than you already are would that be of value?3. Shift from certainty to inquiryNothing is ever certain with clients or employees. Squeeze in between the moment you want to jump to a conclusion and where you can allow curiosity to be your guide. Think of yourself as a lead explorer on an important journey to a place you have never been. You have a map to get there and plenty of experience but you have never been to this place with these followers.You will bring the tools and knowledge to build systems. But you dont know how the towns people live or strive to live so as to build something sustainable for them. In order to understand the dynamics, you have to get to know them. How would you define your biggest challenge? What is most important to you? What would you like to see happen in a perfect world?Mary Lee Gannon, ACC, CAE is an exec utive coach and corporate CEO who helps busy leaders get off the treadmill to nowhere to be more effective, earn more, be more calm and enjoy connected relationships with the people who matter while it still matters. Watch her FREE Master Class training on Three Things to Transform Your Life and Career Right Now

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Smart Questions to Ask a Hiring Manager to Uncover Potential Red Flags

Smart Questions to Ask a Hiring Manager to Uncover Potential Red FlagsSmart Questions to Ask a Hiring Manager to Uncover Potential Red FlagsThe job interview should be atwo-way street.The hiring manager typically uses this timeto get to know you, uncover your strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately determine whether youd be a good fit. And you should be doing the sameSure, youll probably want to focus on giving brilliant responses and impressing the boss- but you should also be vetting your eignung future employer and determining whether theyre as great a company as they claim to be.Were not suggesting you go digging for dirt, but if anything seems off to you during the interview process, now is the time to get to bottom of it and uncover any potential red flags.Asking questions during the job interview provides you an excellent opportunity to confirm any inklings you might have that this job (or the company, or even your future boss) just wont work for you.If you want to uncover an y potential red flags, here are three questions to ask a hiring managerWhat are the challenges of this location?Pretty much every job has its highs and its lows. There might be days of sheer grunt work, and others that truly reinvigorate your soul with work that speaks to you. A fair interviewer should be able to honestly assess the pluses and minuses of the position and offer some details as to what you can expect should you be offered the position. If he responds back with a glossy answer like, Nothing I can think of. Its a great job and youll love it, that could be a red flag that this job has its share of issues.How do you feel about working from home? If youre interviewing for a fully remote company, then asking this question is a moot point. (Spoiler theyre probably very pro-remote work) But if the company has deep brick-and-mortar roots, asking this question can reveal the companys stance on flexible work.Before asking this question, though, you should try your best to uncove r the info yourself. Look online at the companys website, particularly its About Us and career pages, where you might find information that lets you know if theyre flex-friendly or not. You can also search through its social media profiles or look for a potential connection at the company who can tell you if they already have a flexible work policy in place.If you ask this question and the hiring manager dodges the question, or says that only a select few work remotely once in a while, you might want to reconsider if you want the job or not, particularly if you are looking for a flexible role.What do you like most and least about working for this company?When you get the chance to ask your interviewer questions at the end of the interview, you dont have to make the question about you- make it about themAsk the hiring manager or your potential boss what he or she likes the most and least about working for the company. Their answer can be very telling.For instance, iftheylook a little , well, wilted, or give you a pat answer, saying that the company is good but cant cite specific examples of things he or she loves, it might make you want to think twice about accepting the position should you be offered it. Or, if they honestly tell you what they dislike about the company and its something you care a lot about, this could also help you make a decision.If you want to determine if a position is right for you, asking interview questions can affirm your feelings about the job, and help you make a more informed decision.